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Exercising in the Middle of a Pandemic

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We may be in the middle of a pandemic, but it’s still important for us to stay fit by exercising. It’s even recommended that adults should exercise for 150 to 300 minutes each week. But you should remember to practice proper health protocols when you exercise. So, it means you should avoid places where people converge and always wear a mask.

While gyms and fitness centers are open, you may want to rethink any plans of exercising in these places due to the resurgence of the virus. At this point, you may be thinking about your options. Well, you can follow the points below on how you can stay fit amid a pandemic.

Set a Goal

The first thing you should do is to set a goal. When you set a goal, it gives you the focus you need while training. Setting a goal allows you to set a standard that you can use to measure if you made any improvements in your health and fitness. The goals you set should be challenging enough for you to exert effort, but not impossible to attain. You can also make adjustments to your goal in case you find it too easy to do.

For instance, you may set a goal of running a certain distance every day. Once you reach the goal, you can increase the distance so you’ll have something to aim for. Another goal is to aim for a specific number of push-ups every day or mastering a certain pose in yoga.

You can set short-term goals and long-term goals when before starting your exercise routine. Just make sure the goals are doable and they do not cause you to strain yourself. You wouldn’t want to get injured while you’re training so make sure to avoid training too much.

Look for an Inspiration

While having a goal gives you focus, inspiration gives you the motivation you need to reach the goal. You can scour the internet for something to inspire you to train. Social media sites can give you the inspiration you need. You can follow your favorite celebrity and look at their fitness routine. Some websites provide you with exercise plans depending on your current fitness level. You shouldn’t also be afraid to mix up the routines as long as you know what you’re doing.

Having weights in the house is a good way to start your fitness journey. But if you don’t have any weights at home, you can also look for exercises that don’t need equipment. Push-ups and pull-ups are two exercises you can perform without any weights. You also have the option of making your own weights using water bottles. The important thing is that you get to exercise even if you’re staying at home.

person running

Go Outdoors

If you’re living in an area where there are a lot of open spaces, you can take advantage of it and exercise outside the house. Just avoid large crowds of people and wear a mask. If you live close to a mountain or a park, you can go out for a short hike or run. Living on the beach also gives you the advantage of the fresh sea breeze while going out for a jog.

You can even bring your pet along if it went through dog obedience training. The training ensures your dog stays with you when you exercise and doesn’t go somewhere else. Even the suburbs can be a good place to exercise outside. Just be sure to stay at least six feet away from the nearest jogger.

Join Live Classes

If you live in the city and going outside for a jog is out of the question, you can join live workouts online. These online workouts are similar to online classes, but you’re focused on exercising and keeping yourself fit. Professional trainers and fitness studios offer these live workouts for people who are unable to go to the gym. It’s also a good way for them to earn money even if they’re not giving classes in the gyms or fitness studios. All you need to do is to sign up for these workouts and wait for the schedule.

Since they are live workouts, you can even interact with other participants while observing social distancing. Additionally, personal trainers also offer customized classes for people who are looking for a more refined fitness program. You can inquire from the trainer or the studio about the customized online fitness classes they offer.

Even though people are asked to stay at home during the pandemic, it shouldn’t stop you from keeping yourself fit. Just remember, if you plan to go out for a run, always remember to follow proper health protocols to avoid catching the virus.

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