Parents feeding a child

Types of Organic Fruits and Vegetables Suitable for Weaning Your Child

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The first foods you introduce to your child must be very easy to digest, and they should not trigger allergic reactions. Regardless of how bland the food tastes, never be tempted to add any sugar or salt to the baby’s food.

During the first few weeks of weaning, do not give mixtures of foods except for baby rice mixed with organic fruit puree. That is because weaning is the best opportunity to learn the type of foods that your baby does not tolerate. When you mix the foods, you will not know which one is causing trouble. That said, here are some fresh products that you should get from your organic fruit and vegetable suppliers:

Ripe Papaya Flesh

This is among the easiest foods to chew and swallow, making it an excellent beginner fruit for your baby. Additionally, it is rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C, meaning you only need three ounces of papaya to fulfill your baby’s daily vitamin C requirement. Moreover, Papaya has plenty of enzymes that aid in digestion, as well as soluble fiber that is highly essential for optimum bowel function of your child.

Apple Puree

Apple is among the easiest fruits to digest, making it an excellent choice for weaning. Pediatric doctors highly recommend what they call the BRAT diet (banana, rice, apple, and toast) for sick children, particularly to relieve diarrhea. Additionally, if your child seems to be constipating, the soluble fiber in apple known as pectin aids in comfortable bowel movement.


Bananas at the counterWhile your child should not be introduced to sugar yet, their body still needs energy. Bananas come in handy, as they are an excellent source of slow-release sugars that provide your child with sustained energy. They are also easy to pack when you are on the move. They help manage diarrhea effectively.


This is among the few super foods that make your weaning journey easier. They are a perfect source of vitamins, Folic Acid, potassium, iron, and anti-cancer nutrients. Boiling broccoli reduces its vitamin C content by half; therefore, it is best steamed or microwaved to retain all of its nutrients. Sometimes, babies might reject broccoli due to its taste. If they reject it, you can combine it with foods that have a touch of sweetness, such as rutabaga, sweet potatoes, and squash.

Root Crops

This category has excellent reception by babies, due to their smooth texture when pureed and their naturally sweet taste. They have minimal or no allergies at all, and they provide a wide range of nutrients, such as potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and Vitamin D. These crops include sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, rutabaga, parsnip, and butternut squash.

Healthy feeding contributes to a baby’s health, comfort, and well-being. Slowly, and as your baby grows, you can introduce more foods, more so superfoods to provide your little one with more than basic nutritional requirements. These foods are meant to increase brainpower, repair damaged tissues, and prevent some types of illness. It is better to get these foods from an organic source to ensure the nutritional value and avoid the harmful chemical residues that are present in commercially-grown produce.

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