eating disorder

Finding Friends: Support For Bulimics

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A support group is essential in many facets of human interaction. There are times when we simply can’t go at it alone and we need help from friends and family to make it through a particularly trying situation or problem. This is even more apparent in the case of mental issues, such as bulimia.

A variety of treatment options for binge eating disorder exist, as well as treatment centers, but one of the strongest factors that can affect the outcome of a treatment is the environment that surrounds the patient. A more adjusted and understanding social circle can do wonders for people who are going through something this difficult and can be a great help in influencing their actions for the better.

But what exactly are the components of such a circle? Here are some key qualities to keep in mind when seeking a support group:

There is strength in number

support circle

A load becomes lighter if there are people to share the burden with. Having a big support group can be very helpful to those who are working their way through mental disorders, as there are more people to help the person out.

Solidarity with a few

However, it’s important to not let it become a numbers issue when it comes to supporting one another. Each person is different and can respond to different types of social interactions, depending on the number of people involved. Some can be comfortable with a lot of people and some may find a few quite underwhelming. While it’s important to not be alone, it’s equally important to not feel overwhelmed.

They promote a healthy mindset

By this, we mean meeting people who understand that eating disorders are real problems that can have serious consequences on your life. But at the same time, don’t hold such a condition against you. The thought of other people’s judgment often pushes many bulimics to develop the habit and keeps them from recovering. Finding people that promote a healthy mindset about your body and what you eat is important.

A group that can work with you, not for you

Finally, having a support group doesn’t mean having permission to pass all your problems and worries to them. A good circle will ensure that you also do your part to aid in your recovery and that you become more conscious about your triggers and behaviors that lead to the problem.

Sometimes, the best help you can get when dealing with a mental issue such as an eating disorder comes from other people. Not only can they provide support and another perspective on your experience; they can also be your most trusted allies in getting through this particularly trying time.

Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes, and a support group is one of the best ways to get it. Make sure you are getting support from the right people. Use this guide to weight your options and make a good decision that will benefit you in the long run. There are many great things waiting for you in the future.

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